
Drive foot traffic and revenue this 4th of July, with help from your mobile app

June 21, 2022

The 4th July - one of the biggest days of the year for Americans to drink, eat, be merry and celebrate Independence Day! It's just around the corner and it’s sure to be busy, with lots of friends and family gathering together for the evening. 

The big day is traditionally celebrated at home over bonfires, picnics and BBQ’s. A majority of the restaurant industry recognizes this and as a result, many close down for the day, which creates an enticing opportunity to claim the customer spending left behind by the competition. Here are a few ways to drive foot traffic and revenue on this traditionally at-home day, as well as leveraging your mobile app to ensure success.

Host a themed event on the 4th with specialty items 

Whether you’re hosting a BBQ, crawfish boil, or good old fashioned cook-out, customers will love the atmosphere and even more so, not having to go through the hassle of providing their own food! It’s a great way to bring everyone together and celebrate, it will encourage customers to visit… and who doesn’t love a mountain of food?

Offer catering or party packages that guests can order ahead of time

In 2021, the average American spent $80.54 on food items from grocery stores for the 4th of July (Statista, 2022). That number is expected to grow in 2022 - by offering guests a more affordable and convenient catering experience, it’s a great way to guarantee their business time and time again.

Sell special drink tickets or promote drink specials to draw in customers

Offering customers the opportunity to secure drinks at an exclusive price is still a boost for your business and is bound to bring them in from far and wide to watch the fireworks, while drinking a beer that tastes like freedom. For example, you could offer a 2 for 1 drinks deal, or a discount on selected alcoholic beverages all day on the 4th, so that customers feel as though they’re getting real value for money and simply cannot turn the offer down!

If you have already taken the initiative to increase your customer engagement via a mobile app, this is the perfect place to advertise your promotions


Creating a marketing module on the home screen of your mobile app ensures that all of your guests will see your 4th of july festivities everytime they place an order or collect loyalty points in your app. Furthermore, offering customers the ability to purchase catering or drink tickets on the app in advance makes your customer experience even more personal and convenient, rather than calling up or ordering via the website.

Leverage SMS and push notifications to work for you. 

Send out SMS messages and push notifications in the weeks and days leading up to the 4th of July to notify your customers that you will be open, and what you are providing for the special occasion. The ability to be able to remind your customers of the unique offerings at your venue from afar has never been easier. Simply sending a short message to your customers is a simple and effective way to drive your revenue on a rather typically slow holiday for the hospitality industry.

However you choose to celebrate the 4th of July, we hope that it’s one to remember! Our mobile apps help to drive footfall, encourage repeat visits and a higher average spend, not just for special occasions and holidays but year round - Get in touch with the Pepper team and we can help you to explore your options.

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